Round two Study Abroad

In less than 24 hours I will be standing in line waiting to check-in for my flight to Florence Italy. Currently, my room looks as if my luggage has thrown up all of my clothes and all of my papers and documents are scattered everywhere. Yikes. This post is just a little self-reflection before I embark on my second semester of abroad, which to be honest I have mixed emotions about.

I had an amazing time first semester and on one side, I am very excited to see different countries and to be back in Europe; however, another part of me is going to miss the comfort and familiarity of being home. I know I will also miss my family a bunch and the food and beaches of southern California. So leaving to go back to Europe is a bitter sweet feeling. But with that being said, I am choosing to look forward and focus on the amazing trips and adventures I will take while being there for four more amazing months.

The food, languages, art, people, and experiences are all things I am looking forward to. I absolutely adore Florence, and the culture of Italy. I am excited to be back sitting in the “bars” (coffee shops) sipping a cappuccino with my friends and going to the disco (club) with them as well. I am ready to make some more long-lasting memories and learn more about myself as well as the world around me. Cheers to second semester abroad!!screen-shot-2017-01-09-at-3-20-37-pm

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